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Twenty five dollars worth

Monday, January 26, 2015
Photo Jan 24, 6 41 16 PM

They did not want to waste my time, I could tell. Everything was done with such haste, such hurry. "You're done", I always thought that you can only fail once. If you do fail more than once, then I so believe that you are simply not ready.

I looked for the slightest hint of answer on her face, and there was none. "Aiya its okay", she breathed, escorting me to where I should be. I could see how everything was wrong - the shoes, the wait, the walk. I guess it truly is okay.

My teacher called me to give me my feedback on the assessment I recently did. I did not feel that the assessment went well, in fact, it was horrible. My answers were hanging and I could still feel tension creeping slowly from my back. "Thank you, Crystal" I keep replaying it until somebody spoke to me.

"Hello Crystal!" I did good. She told me I did good, apart from the weak introduction and minor attire issues, I faired reasonably. I guess that will be what is going to help me sleep at night.