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Thursdays' sleep in

Friday, May 23, 2014


I've always loved Thursdays. It is sleep in day, it is drawing day. I like drawing, art and all that nonsense, so much so that I might be in the wrong course. My drawing teacher is this woman who doesn't sugarcoat her words. She doesn't go one big round to tell you gently that you are wrong, she raise her voice almost in frustration "aiyo what you doing! You're doing it wrong already isn't it?" then she pick up your pencil and show you the steps. I love it.

Drawing is one of those modules that is very difficult to tell whether you're doing it right or not, but she is clear and precise. You'll know what you're not right after she gone through it with you.

I learnt a bit about art when I was in secondary school when they had trainee teachers coming in to teach us art. It was one of the more exciting art classes because boo yeah, no more designing of Chinese New Year card and crap that teachers asked us to do so as to kill time. The class and I attempted many things such as pastels coloring and 'The Scream'. Yes we tried to draw 'The Scream'. I saw some of my teachers' artwork and I was thoroughly impressed. They were in their twenties and have just completed art schools, but they drew like they have been drawing since 5.

I wished I can learn more, pastel colours, charcoal drawing, typography, photography. Sigh, why did I pick the safest route to uni? Why didn't I even think about design school?